Considerations When Shipping Parts for PVD Coating

Shipping Lead-times

We PVD coat tools and wear components from all over the country, Canada and Mexico.  So whether your business is in California, New York, Florida, or some place in-between, you can count on Surface Solutions for high-quality, PVD coatings in a reasonable amount of time.

Inbound Shipping Times 

The picture at the right shows UPS’s service map for the number of days to ship to our facility in Fridley, Minnesota.  You’ll note that all of Wisconsin and most of Minnesota are only one day, while much of the upper midwest (Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.) are only two days for in-bound packages.

Over half the country can ship us parts in three days, or less.  Of course, if you need to get it to us sooner, there are 2nd Day and Next Day options.

Shipping times on FedEx and the USPS would be similar.

Outbound Shipping Times 

The picture at the right shows UPS’s service map for the number of days to ship from our facility to your location.  Outbound from our facility, Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin are all only one day UPS Ground, while much of the upper midwest (Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.) are only two days.

Over half the country gets parts from us in three days, or less, via Ground service. 

Be Careful How You Pack Your Parts!

Over the years, we’ve had a number of  boxes opened up by UPS for inspection, tools unwrapped and then “thrown” back into the box without being repackaged properly.  Since tools can be very expensive and UPS limits the amount of tool damage they are willing to pay for, we’ve decided to provide some tips to ensure your parts reach their destination without being damaged.

Tips for Safe Shipping of Tools:

  • If your parts look like they could be a firearms projectile, place them in clear tubing within a bag, or seal them down to cardboard.
  • Do not wrap parts in bubblewrap if an x-ray machine operator can mistakenly identify them as a “bullet”.  The bubblewrap will be opened and your parts will be bouncing into one another for the remainder of the trip, or some will be lost. (Parts never get repackaged as well as they were originally packaged,)
  • If using clear tubes, tape the ends shut, or tightly pack within a clear plastic bag so anyone that opens the box can see what the parts look like without having to open up the packaging.
  • Wrap heavier parts with foam packaging material and place in a small box, then place several smaller boxes within a bigger box.
  • Use cardboard boxes if possible, sealed with heavy duty tape (wooden or plastic boxes are subject to a UPS upcharge if not enclosed in cardboard.)
  • If you are shipping expensive tooling, purchase extra insurance.